I start this topic to not ask for improvements, but to offer them
To avoid confusion with my other activity, this post is about Open Source CakeWalk MackieControl plug-in. It is NOT about my AZCtrl platform.
My first move:
https://github.com/AZSlow3/Cakewalk-Control-Surface-SDK/tree/dyneq/BinMackieControl.dll (choose the number of bits in your Sonar) from that repository should support modern ProChannel EQ/Compressors the way described in the original documentation (which was working before ProChannel and is still working if EQ is the first module in the list). Independent from position in the ProChannel.
"Disable handshake" options in preferences will avoid waiting for valid handshake reply from the device. Many controllers claiming "compatibility" do not implement that part of the protocol, usual symptom: "Connecting..." inside the status, even when input and output are specified correctly.
Also download INI file with mapping definition (do not forget to make a backup):
https://github.com/AZSlow3/Cakewalk-Control-Surface-SDK/blob/dyneq/Surfaces/MackieControl/MackieControl.ini To use this DLL you need Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime 2015:
https://www.microsoft.com.../details.aspx?id=48145Since that compiler is relatively new (June 2015), there is a chance you do not have that runtime installed.
1. If you are ready to test it and/or you have some other wishes for that plug-in, let me know.
1. With no feedback there will be no future fixes/features. So, it's your turn!
Updated (8.11) to support ProChannel Compressor. Also INI file is updated with ProChannel EQ and Track/Bus Compressors mapping.
Updated (16.7.2016) to support (in)compatible devices