Just a curiosity sort of question as I have both.
there is the VS EXPAND mode that allows you to use 2 devices of either VS100, VS700R or Octa-Capture and turn it into a common audio interface where you can use I/O from both devices in one common ASIO driver setup
you need to make sure you have matching firmware installed (which should be the latest available)
FWIW - I used VS700R (plus another ADAT preamp) and Octa-Capture together and it worked fine. I did own the VS-100 for a while but never bothered to link it with the VS-700R as the VS-700R had so many IO channels anyway and when I needed more I went for the Octa-Capture
in case you where talking about using the VS-100 and the VS-700C (control surface) together - that's simple, just install the VS-700C as USB device (not connected via VS-700R) and use the VS-100 as you did up to now (audio interface) ... you can set up both in sonar as separate control surfaces