Rapture Pro 64-bit stand alone application
will not load .
RX2 files into the OSC/SMP section.
UPDATE: I used ProcMon from the Windows SysInternalsSuite to monitor the RapturePro_x64.exe process. There were A LOT of
CreateFile operations resulting in
NAME NOT FOUND entries. I noted the missing file was
REX Shared Library.dll with several name variations; for example, including the words
Debugging and
A search for
REX Shared Library.dll on my computer returned four files in various locations. Of interest to me was that the file existed in
%systemroot%\SysWOW64 for 32-bit processes but not in
%systemroot%\System32 for 64-bit processes: The latter of which I chose to install on my computer via the CCC.
I copied the 64-bit
REX Shared Library.dll from
C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\SONAR Platinum to
%systemroot%\System32, launched Rapture Pro and now it loads .
RX2 files!
Problem Solved!