So... my main HDD (Samsung Spinpoint 1TB ) just crashed ! I'm now re-installing Windows 7 (done, updating other drivers now) onto one of my older Band In A Box portable HDD (it's a Toshiba notebook HDD inside).
How it crashed ? - I was copying some MP4s transferred from my handphone into a compressed ZIP folder. Then I was browsing a PDF file in the handphone folder ..and the PC hung and did not respond.. I do the next logical thing.. hard powering the PC off (long press on the ON button).. and upon booting up - there is no longer any boot disk.
Edit : Task Manager can't be started (Ctrl+Alt+Del).. so hard powering off is the only option.
Checking the bios SATA device only shows the other drives (Backup and Samples).. removing the main drive into another PC also can't be detected (I hear the spin sound, but not as loud, and no disk head movement).
So.. I'm still considered lucky to have just moved some recent project into the Sample drive, and I was working on my latest project last night on the Sample drive... I'm still thinking what's important in the main HDD.. Quite a few folder in the desktop did not make it to the Sample drive.
Beside all the MP4s / pics I've just moved over to the desktop prior to the crash (files from the handphone was deleted automatically after moving ) - but I guess I might still be able to recover missing files from the phone SD card.
So.. my advise.. any drive that is 4 years old should be replaced, and move it to temp / unimportant storage.