It's possible that I'd be better off posting this is some tech forum somewhere, but since you guys are cooler, I'll start here.
I'm having me some serious PC problems. My PC almost always hangs on the Windows Logo. The motherboard will POST, then everything locks up right when the Windows logo starts animating. (I'm current on Windows 7 64-bit). I've tried various things, such as unplugging all USB devices, disconnecting from the KVM I have connected to another PC, etc. but the only thing that seems to work "fairly" regularly is clearing the CMOS on the board.
On those occasions when Windows does load, everything seems to be okay, right up until it isn't. Everything locks up - including all keyboard/mouse control so there's no option for the three-finger-salute - so at that point the only option is to force a restart, whereby it'll inevitably lock up again at the logo.
Just in case there was a corrupted Windows file or something, I attempt to restore the system drive from a previous image (made a couple months ago when everything was rock solid). Alas, it did nothing. Same hang at startup.
So, it's most likely a hardware issue. Here's a fun fact: when the board POSTs, I go into the BIOS and take a look around. It says that my CPU is running at 228C. Of course, the thing would be fried by that point and would most likely shut itself down if it got too hot (I currently have a Core i7 2600K).
I recently had two failed attempts at updating my video card driver (GeForce GTX 570), whereby everything locked up in the middle of the installation process. So maybe my GPU is shot.
Maybe one or more sticks of RAM are shot.
A few months ago, I kept losing connection to a few of my hard drives, then I simply unplugged their power cables and used different ones from the PSU. No problems since.
My first order of business is going to be purchasing a new PSU. Because hell, if my PSU is shot, and various components are getting enough juice, then that would explain my hardware failures, right?
Yeah, so, assuming a new PSU doesn't do the trick (I'm a pessimist), I'm probably looking at redoing everything. New GPUs use newer PCI-E slots. If my board is screwed up, I'm gonna have to replace everything anyway. Which of course means a fresh install of Windows since my current system drive will no longer work.
Has anyone run into anything like this? Any suggestions on things to try out before I drop $1500 on new hardware & OS?