I have installed -
Dimension ProE-MU Proteus -
Mo' Phatt
Planet Earth
Proteus 2000
PX-7 Drums
Virtuoso 2000
Xtreme Lead 1
DSF Symphonic Strings HD
DSF Vol 3 Vocal Expressions
DSF Ultra Modern Synthesizers
DSF Vol 7 Accoustic Kits
Gibson EB5 Bass
Platinum Samples Rock Legends Kit 1 and 2
Dim Pro Holiday Pack
Andy Johns Kit 1
RaptureDSF Dance Tools
DSF Analog Digital Synth Resource
DSF Synthesizer Rage
Encanti Haunted EDM
Galbanum Piscis
Rapture ProDSF Vol 3 Vocal Expressions
DSF Ultra Modern Synthesizers
Galbanum Piscis
These 3 also installed for Rapture Pro (the others above didn't show up for download and installation under Rapture Pro in CCC)
Loading Rapture Pro Stand Alone is roughly 3 seconds
Loading Rapture Pro into a project with various other audio tracks and vst's, BFD3 etc, approx the same 3 seconds
Loading Rapture Pro into a blank Project, approx 3 seconds to load it and tracks, then approx 3 seconds for Rapture Pro to open when clicked on
Sometimes rarely it has taken a little longer, but nothing excessive, 10/15 seconds at the most, but usually it's as above.
(I think I placed the above in the correct lists, one or 2 may be listed under Dim Pro but should be Rapture and visa versa, but I think it is correct)