Thanks, SteveC -- this is a wonderful tool, but it's so comprehensive that I don't think it would serve the goal of extreme simplification we've (or at least I've) been thinking of. It does snap into the ProChannel strip, and when it does, it gets a whole lot smaller. So maybe it
is what I'm thinking of -- a small customizable widget with one control (or
perhaps a few of them) that the user assigns to any set of other plugins or ProChannel modules.
An FX Chain in the ProChannel strip might well serve -- I'd forgotten how stripped-down the UI is for the FX Chain, so I'll have to explore using it to build my own Style Dial. I suspect that under the hood, Style Dials are pretty much the same as FX Chains anyway.
Thanks for bringing FX Chains into the discussion. They're a huge step forward in simplifying the management of routing and multiple FX on a track. Maybe most of the work for a "slightly customizable" and "minimalist" FX Chain for ProChannel is already done. The only feature left is to accommodate this OP, namely to let me make a very compact single horizontal slider out of a Chain with only one control.