Yes. I'll double check but I am 100% positive I'm running The patches not playing are hit and miss from the Rapture Pro Library. I got so pissed off I didn't even bother to check any of the legacy patches. Also upon first loading Rapture Pro I had an immediate crash. Tried again Crash. Tried a 3rd time and it loaded. I don't have time for this crap. Cakewalk needs to get this resolved or they
WILL give me my money back! Rap Pro is still broken and no it's not my system. Everything else runs perfectly not to mention I keep my audio PC well tuned. I only have problems like this with Cakewalk instruments. Back in the day I had similar issues with Dimension Pro and Rapture but they did eventually get it sorted. It's really ridiculous for Cakewalk to be releasing garbage like this. They'd better get it fixed and fixed soon!!!!! They took my money quick enough. Sorry for the rant. Thanks...