There are a load of serious Z3TA+2
issues that haven't been fixed for two years (we are still awaiting a service pack).
I notice there is a stuck note issue in Z3TA+2, so I wonder if it's the same code that is the problem?
It looks like Rapture Pro borrowed a lot of code from other projects and in turn inherited the same bugs. I stress
100% speculation so ignore this.
Regardless I'm glad Cakewalk are fixing Rapture Pro, I hope once it is done Z3TA+2 finally gets its issues resolved, it's time Cakewalk made a statement about that synth as well, those issues have been ignored for far too long and it's still for sale. My view is clear the pain now, and perhaps by next year trust will have resumed with their synth plugin operation, just like they are doing very successfully right now with Sonar (that product is improving dramatically).
(Sorry Made Multiple Edits)