really, love them a lot, had begged for them years ago and am thrilled they are now possible.
So of course I have to ask... any chance we can make the actual send to the patch point (or any send really) pre- or post- the FX bin? That would be really cool.
For example, when I record guitars live I usually record two amplifiers. So last night I plugged my guitar in, put one amp sim in that track, created a patch point, routed it to a second audio track, put a second amp sim in that track... so close, but the second audio track receives the processed audio from the first track. Unless I'm missing something.
I was able to send to two additional audio tracks to simulate my two amplifier configuration, so all is not lost, but it would be a little easier, and a little less screen real estate, if I could do it with two tracks instead of three.
At which point - of course - I'll as for the ability to plop the patch point IN the fx bin<G>! No really, that would be awesome!