Oh, the Control Panel's no problem if I just want to add a printer or something. But say you want to disable power-saving on USB ports. It's 7 or 8 clicks deep, as if they wanted all but the most determined users to stay out of there.
I actually tried to look for that and gave up in the end, so kudos! :-)
Not much more to report...thinking about it I'm not sure if my W10 install has updated vitself or not of late.
*fx: checks*
Huh, 63 completely failed updates. I think this is because I was previously on my company's domain, which configures an update server which is waaaaay behind where the 'official' M$ update server is at. So I left the domain but 'doze was still probably configured to grab updates from the company's server which would of course fail due to leaving the domain.
I've tweaked a few settings (i.e. grab from windows update, not the company's WSUS) and I am now downloading the updates. I must say that I'm not impressed with the update options offered by 'doze 10; either fully-auto or 'ask me to reboot', i.e. for both 'choices' 'doze will download and install the updates. I thought this was configurable? I'm on the Enterprise variant too, so in theory should have the most flexibility. Anyway, suffice to say that Windows 10 in no way whatsoever informed me that it had completely failed to installed a huge raft of updates. Slow clap!
Oh well, seems like there's going to be no way of preventing the inevitable "Update to Doze 11 omfg it's the Windowiest!" nagware.
10 has fixed the incredibly annoying Win8 issue of not giving important progress and notification dialogs the focus, i.e. sticking them at the top of the Z-order pile, it progress that Windows 10 now does the same, correct thing that Windows 3.1 -> Windows 7 (inclusive) did? I would