What steps are necessary when upgrading a processor?
Example: I want to upgrade an AMD A8-7600 to an A10-7870.
Can I simply install the new processor, boot up windows 10 and expect everything to find everything and work properly?
Or, do I need to re-install windows so it becomes aware of the new processor?
Anything else I'm missing?
EDIT: Background information. I put the A10 in and booted up and it works except the A10 is only running at 1.6 gHz.
It is supposed to be running at 4.1 gHz.
I have min and max processor speed set to 100% but the A10 is not seeing this. The old A8 worked at 100% (3.6 gHz) always.
The bios readme says that it does support Godivari which is what the A10 is.