Azslow I do respect your view and don't wish to antagonise.
Just for clarification, my original post was envisaging using products like Z3ta, Rapture and Dimension from a Komplete Kontrol keyboard or Maschine, I was not referring to Sonar. IMO it would be great to have the patch tagging and controller pre-assignment that NKS can offer.
I know that NI can be a red flag to some, but I hadn't realised this request would be contentious. Apologies to any who are offended, it was not my intention.
I understand that you mean VSTs (Z3ta2 and RapturePro, Rapture and Dimension can be considered obsolete). And it looks like it is my turn to apologies for the (not intended) attitude of my first post.
My view comes from perception of Cakewalk products as a group. It is clear that Mac versions of VSTs are not working inside (Windows based) Sonar, but the source code is (almost) the same (VST SDK is platform independent) and CW win more users (and so profit). NKS is different format, so different source code. NKS will give no advantages for using these plug-ins in Sonar, only in case it is "wrapped" by NI. So there is no new market opened by such incarnation.
If looking at CW and NI product lines, we see:
* CW - Sonar DAW inviting controller producers to cooperate and plug-ins (VSTs).
* NI - VSTs, VSTs wrapper inviting other VSTs producers to cooperate and controllers.
NI has not answered on Sonar's invitation to cooperate with controllers, neither they cooperate with the wrapper (track following, etc., can also be done on controller API level).
And so symmetric reaction from CW is logically not cooperate on plug-ins level.
I have nothing against NI, but "Whoever is not with me is against me". And NI had a chance to be with Sonar long time before they declare NKS.