Installed the donated FireWire card with TI chip. It's recognized by Windows and is working properly, according to device manager.
Downloaded the latest Saffire firmware update, 2.7 I think, but it won't install. Mix control did install from the disk, but the Saffire is not recognized, sorta.
Running the firmware update, it reminds you to disconnect the device before beginning. I do that and it loads driver update 1. Before loading driver 2 it says to connect the device, check.
Doesn't see the device, so it wouldn't load the first thousand times I tried it.
Finally got it to load part 2, but when It gets to the box "Install Firmware", it tells me to connect the already-connected device, and that's as far as I can get.
All the lights on the Saffire are lit.
Back to the "is not recognized, sorta" part.
Frustrated, I didn't disconnect the Saffire before running the update. It tells me the Saffire is connected and to disconnect it before updating, so it does see it, until I run the update.
So, my music computer is XP 32-bit, thus no Windows support, no MSE updates beyond what was installed a day before XP support ended.
My question (finally!
) is, would you connect the computer to the internet to update the firmware on an unprotected computer and do you think it would make any difference when connecting the Saffire from the XP box to the newer Win 10 box?