Thanks Bobf. You've contributed nothing to this thread and now come in name calling. Sure I'm cranky, but name calling; really.
So there have been no CPU and MOBO updates in the 5 years since I built the system in my specs. Wow!
So you would advise someone looking to put together a computer today, to buy my MOBO and CPU combo.
My crankiness comes from the fact that I've told, I don't need to update, while some said you're pretty well off already and some said there's nothing out there better than what you have, but NOONE has told me what there is so I can decide whether the small increase in performance is worth it.
As I said I haven't kept up with what's happening in the PC game in the last 5 years but there must be a MOBO with new chipsets and extra features that I don't have and may want and there has to be at least one CPU that's faster, more economical or something than my 5 year old processor.
I'd left the thread finished it thanks for revving it with an insult.
Do you feel better for it?