Hi, guys. Thanks for the kind thoughts. Another hapless victim of the poppy scourge it seems which, in the case of this individual, is quite shocking to me. Never woulda thunk it. As I've been thinking on it this fellow had a lot of influence on the infancy of my most important project back as a spunky little street urchin. He was never into that sh*t so... yeah. Very confusing and infuriating to me. I'll work through it.
I'll have to apologize again for not ripping right into all this today because it seems to be mangling me a bit more than I expected so I just went nuts on setting up a revamping of that old project that turned into a surprisingly good "five minute mix" of the original tracks for me to work with (touching on Danny's thoughts on getting things done quickly).
I guess biting off more than I could chew on this massive project has sped me up for simpler things which is great.
Scurrying off to something a little simpler and testing some things out being brought up here seems like it might help.
Mostly though I just want to adress Lord Tim...
I've seen you post some really cool info in the past but we've never really chatted. It's funny you stopped by here because I actually checked out your "The 80's Called" posting around the time I exported this and compared it to my humble mix. You have that clarity and depth that Danny and others have I am always chasing.
Not a lot of metalheads/hardcore dudes around with the insight on how to really nail this crap so I am very happy to have your input.
Danny, bats and the rest of the lads of course know (or should know) they get much love from old Beeps but I wanted to give you props and thanks.
As a truncated version of where my thoughts are going on this...
1) I need a dynamic EQ plug. I may use this as an excuse to demo Melda Spectral Dynamics which I have wanted for a while. Probably out of my price range still but we'll see and I do need to try it out on something crazy like this. I have other tricks I've learned using the automation output from the old Cakewalk Analyst to control EQ params which may have to do for now as well as carefully key'd sidechaining as mentioned.
2) I need to readjust some of my bandpasses particularly on the bass and/or kick and maybe on the rhythm guits. Lots to explain there so I won't bother just yet.
3) I'm thinking I need to create a PROPER "fake" mastering scheme on my mix project's premaster buss. Like just a general example of what a mastering engineer may use on something like this such as saturation, compression, bass expansion, stereo widener, hi pass at 20hz, etc. I know very little about this stuff but being able to "guesstimate" what a mastering house may do, tossing it at the end of my chain, and a/bing the raw mix and the "fake" master chain might be beneficial. I have NO freaking clue as to how such a chain would be set up though and have only studied this a little.
That's where my head's going once it starts working again but as I said... just popping in again to say thanks and not seem like I've meandered off into lalaland completely.
Cheers, doods. Ya'll are awesome. I'll unbreak myself soon.
Oh and of course the drums and vocals and... well a bunch of stuff are gonna get ripped into. Honestly I kind of left a lot of that half finished. This mix was kind of an "overall" sound type thing that needed some insight before a got my balls up to get fancy but the ideas presented here on those elements have helped really defined what needs to be done in those areas.
Epic thread is epic.