Is that picture of the open case looking down on it as it is in the rack or sideways on? In other words, is the cpu cooler fan horizontal or vertical when it's in the rack? I'm just trying to get a mental picture of where the hot air naturally wants to go.
My gut thought is that a big, slow fan pushing air into the case might be helpful, so long as it's in the right place if it allows the cpu fan to be slower and prevents the psu fan kicking in. A similar cpu fan might help, depending on how noisy the one fitted at the moment is. Trouble is, not all fans and hardware advertised as "quiet" actually is, it's just a bit quieter than the small Intel and similar OEM fans that sound like vacuum cleaners when their speed ramps up. Gigabyte used to use a tiny fixed-speed fan on the m/b North Bridge chip which could be heard a few yards away.
The two HDD silencers look very much like ones I've used in the past. I found them a help with some HDD noise but not particularly effective at silencing seek noise and clicks or preventing a slow build up of initially low volume resonances from the motors that eventually could get quite noticeable. The most effective solution I found was to decouple the drives from the case by mount the boxes very loosely, either suspended by silicon bands with no screws directly linking them to the drive bay or placed on acoustic foam in the bottom of the case.
Another possibility for case resonance creation might be the fans creating beats between themselves which get magnified as they reinforce the resonance over time in a feedback loop. I had a problem last year when after an hour or two of running I'd start to get a regular slowly building "" which was quite noticable in the room below the PC via the floorboards. The case side (a well-padded Fractal Design) could be felt vibrating.
The source turned out to be the case fan's bearing going a little rough and noisy (a long screwdriver makes an excellent stethoscope for isolating noise as any good mechanic will tell you, just keep hair, jewelry, sleeves etc. away from anything going round). The noise was so little at first I decided it couldn't be the cause of the problem, so ignored it and spent hours trying to isolate the source of the noise until in desperation I tried swapping the fan out, which cured the buzz immediately.
Poor fan mountings transmitting fan vibrations into the case or something connected to the case might be another thing to look at.