Thanks for the help. I uninstalled all my XLN stuff and tried fresh new installs. Addictive Keys and Drums all there now and my problem is when registering products I have, I'm now told the codes have been used. Although products held in account should be okay to reauthorize, I'm having no joy. So the next move, contacting XLN support.
If you log in to your XLN account on their website, go to 'My Account > 'My Computers'.
There you will see your currently activated devices. Each one has a 'Remove' button, so you can remove the authorization from one or more computers. You probably just need to free up one activation, since I assume you should have two available. I'm showing my desktop and laptop both activated, thus resulting in the max allowed active computers. So to move to a new computer, just remove one, and re-run the XLN installer.