They are the Sound Designer's initials/handle.
I haven't fully examined RapPro and on tablet now / no time etc ... but here's a list I put together for Z3TA+ 2 ...
Ever wonder what all those initials, next in the Factory Content presets, are (in Z3TA+ 2)?
They are the Sound Designer's handles:
- BT - Nico Herz, Big Tone Studio
- FG - Frank Genus, Pro Sounds
- FS - Francesco Silvestri, FI Sound
- FI - Chad Beckwith, FI Sound/Patch Arena
- XS - Bryan Lee, Xenos Soundworks
- BC - Ben Cantil, Encanti Productions
- DSF - Tim Swartz, Digital Sound Factory
- DMS - Kieran Swarbrick, Dance MIDI Samples
- WRJ - Bill (William) Jackson, Cakewalk
- BD - Brian Desmond, Izotope (was with Cakewalk during Z3TA+ 2 project /release).