more delay.
less verb.
I think, even though I am liking my meticulously crafted reverb bus scheme (which I have been working on since my last post) that now I'm going to introduce a delay bus (maybe even two).
The very short reverb has added the "room" I wanted and I don't want to screw with it but specific elements (most notably the vocals) are still a little dry for my tastes. So I figure I've create a phony baloney recording environment and now I can use the delay more as an effect on top of that. Of course since I'm using sends to busses if one or the other gets to be too much cumulatively I can readjust.
It is such a complex mix as it is (just from the sheer amount of tracks) that I'm trying to remain as minimalist as I can for stuff like extra effect busses. Hoping to let the music speak for itself and not cloud shiz too much by trying to get ultra fancy. I am not good enough for that nuttiness yet.
Still have some cool tricks in mind and I think it's all sounding decent.
I will be posting this soon (with the permission of the composer) so everyone here in the Techniques forum can pick it apart and tell me where I'm going right and/or wrong. Still a lot of work to do though.