Are you Windows or Mac? The Windows version in my CCC is showing
[ooops - please see major correction in subsequent post] I was about to detail my tale of woe trying to update Rapture Pro. It would not update the .dll itself and gave me the option to abort, retry, or cancel. I hit retry numerous times to no avail. CCC also posted a message that said the Matrix button .bmp resource could not be replaced.
What the error message SHOULD have said was "Hey, dummy, do you realize SONAR is running in the background and you have an instance of Rapture Pro inserted? Just sayin.'"
For whatever reason Rapture Pro is behaving itself. All the libraries are there are everything is working. I have run across some patches with issues (e.g., tuning on some acoustic instrument notes, a click at the beginning of the note, that sort of thing) but everything is stable enough to do some serious patch development. The Performance controls are great, not just because of performance options, but because you can program several easy-to-access variations within a single patch.