I have an i5 2500K and had the same motherboard as you (P8P67). I had problems constantly with stuttering even at the highest buffer and with disabling the interent, etc.
over Christmas break, I decided to upgrade my motherboard, but kept the processor and RAM that I had (DDR3 - 16G). I did this because of a couple of reasons:
I didn't upgrade the processor because to upgrade it would have cost $250 to $300, and from everything I saw, the benefit of going from a 2500K to a 4690 or 4790 was not going to give me the performance increase I thought would be worth the cost of the processor.
I kept the RAM for the same reason. yes, I'd get an increase in performance if I got some faster RAM and more of it, but again my cost vs. performance increase just didn't seem to be in the right ratio to me.
so, I kept my processor and RAM and upgraded to the best board I could find with the latest technology I could find which supported that processor (and was wasn't cost prohibitive). so I ordered an ASROCK Z77 Extreme4.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157293 looks like they're out of stock on this one, now. hope that doesn't mean that's the end of line for them, but bottom line, I would look for a Z77 chipset motherboard or better (just make sure it supports the 1155 socket if you decide to keep the 2600K)
I also added an SSD in place of my OS drive. I bought a Samsung EVO 850 500M.
again, using my EXISTING 2500K and 16G DDR3 with a new ASROCK Z77 and a 500M SSD, my system ROCKS now! I spent $300 total on the SSD and the motherboard and the difference is PHENOMENAL!
the new motherboard doesn't have any of the DPC latency problems I had before and the SSD is just awesome!
just my experience.