1) Is there a step-by-step procedure for activating Rapture Pro using the manually downloaded files and Command Center (Win 7 64)? Do I install the CCC first or after the manual rapture.exe and libraries are installed?
2) Today I was trying to download all the files manually and the sizes were all over the place. The Vol.2 legacy file showed it should be 2G at the start. The download stopped at 100Mb, 200Mb, and 500Mb several times until it finally actually downloaded the full 2G after about 7 trys. The strange thing was all the incomplete downloads of (100Mb, 200Mb, and 500Mb) showed a valid .exe that could be installed. I've downloaded several large files over the years and never seen an incomplete download show as a valid .exe file. Is there some way to know exactly the correct file sizes of these download files so I know that they are the complete? I usually don't have these types of issues with my internet connection. I would use the Commmand Center to download the full installation but I'm a little leary of trusting that all the files will be downloaded with my experience earlier today. A reference to the full size of the library once installed would also be helpful. I would be more apt to use CCC if I knew this info.