With respect and at risk of stating the obvious ... did you search for the shortened "Clav" as per the red entries in my previous post?
Wasn't obvious to me
I tried Clav, and got nine hits. As a public service, I rated each one from 1 (worst) to 5 (best). Aside from Clavinet (which I didn't like) and JM Clav, these are more "clavinet-like" than sampled classic clav sounds.
Clav AZ is quite good, but I would have preferred the chorusing as an option, not baked in.
3Clavinet is out of tune and has artifacts. If it was sampled properly, it would have been the most realistic clav sound in the bunch but it won't get
any use from me.
1ClaviPiano doesn't sound like a standard clav but I like this one a lot.
5DiClav has a sort of double attack. Maybe intentional, but I don't like it.
1FM Clav is okay if you like percussive clav sounds. Wish it had a longer decay. You can always make a long decay shorter, but you can't make a short decay longer.
3 JM Clav. Nice! Funky, gritty, I like it but might be too rough for some. For me,
Slick Clav. Very "FM" sounding. Good dynamic response.
5Street Clav. It's growing on me, I can see uses for this.
3Tuff Clav. More like a synth patch, but "tuff" and useable.
Of course this is all subjective...what I might use might not be what you would use, and vice-versa.