Nah, I'm confused ...
So check under your Multisamples directory (default C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Sample Data\Rapture Pro\Multisamples) ... do you have a 'Clavinet' directory?
The only way I found the respective progs was by examining the elements. They are in the RapPro Electronic Pianos - not presented as a 'pack'.
I knew I had the contents, I just didn't know if the program file in RP was using them. Being I also have some Clav waves relating to the main install.
I can now see that the SFZ file in the elements called Clavinet Muted, although there are 4 SFZ'z listed in the Clavinet folder, so would these not have programs too? Just also noticed after loading it that it lists, Funky Muted Clav FS it ads [122.8 MB] after this. So I have 1.5 gs of samples and just one program file that uses 122.8 MB.
At the moment I'm thinking something is not right. I'm manualy downloading the Pack again (outside of CCC) to see if I can get more info with it. I stared this about 2 hours ago, eta 11 mins - 12 hours.