I've got the files and have done a rough mix already. It took me less than an hour.
The project actually comes partly mixed, e.g. there are already volume changes within the audio tracks from previous automation, so it's not like you're starting completely from scratch. Everything's already been comped. The tracks are pretty clean so there won't be much editing required.
The guy who made the project says it needs pitch correction, but I don't think it does. Sure, not everything's smack on, but it's not a pop song and doesn't need to be Cher-ified. I put compression and light dynamic EQ on the vocal for de-essing, added a send to ValhallaRoom and called the vocal done.
Now the fun stuff. I can do anything I want with the song, but I don't see a need to radically change it. I'll just treat it the same way I'd approach a mix for anyone. Keep it simple and retain the cleanliness of the original tracks.
Of course, it's quite unlikely my sensible mix will win the prize, but I've already got FF Saturn anyway so this is purely for fun.