Well, there is an option in Control Panel Hardware and System in the Power Plan Advanced Options, where you want to find the parameter under USB Settings, and when you open that up you will see Selective Suspend - set that to Disable.
Another place to check/set is through Windows Device Manager, and THIS is where I went to change the default behavior for the new USB 3 hub that I had added to my system AFTER doing the Power Management Options change to USB Options - Selective Suspend.
So, an easy way to get to Windows Device Manager is to open up an instance of File Explorer, then right-click on This PC (Windows 8.1) then click on Manage, then when Computer Management opens, click on Device Manager. (OR, go to: Control Panel\System and Security\System and then click on Device Manager)
Once in Device Manager, go down to the Universal Serial Bus group and expand it, then double-click on each HUB to open up its properties. Click on the Power Management tab and remove the check from the option to Turn Device Off to Conserve Power and click OK. You would make this change only for each HUB, not for each device. If when you open Properties you do not see a tab at the top right of the properties dialog box, then you are looking at a USB device and not a USB hub.
In addition, Windows also maintains a setting for Power Management in the properties of any Network Adapters, so you might want to open the properties for any of those as well, and remove the Power Management tab's check in the box for the option to Allow Windows to Turn off Device to Conserve Power.
I hope the above helps,
Bob Bone