While playing around with some patches I had originally made in Rapture, I noticed that notes would hang when I set velocity tracking above 0 on the
filter envelope. Setting it back to 0 would stop the "hanging" notes. I tried setting the amp envelope to a really short time, but it didn't stop the hanging notes or affect newly triggered notes. Setting vel_trk below 0 seemed to work as expected. This behavior was a little different on a patch I created from scratch. With amp envelope off, the note would hang as soon as vel_trk was set above 0. However, once I added an amp envelope, the patch would work as expected. I did not get this behavior with Rapture which worked as expected in each case. Anyone see anything like this?
This hanging behavior didn't occur with vel_int. It was a little hard for me to understand what the difference between vel_trk and vel_int are from the documentation, but I got the impression that vel_int adjust the envelope scaling by velocity while vel_trk adjust the envelope offset by velocity.
This is occurring in Sonar X3 by the way.