I will use one of several methods. Either work fine and I use them both.
There are times I will go through a track....especially the vocal track lead....I move it to the top of the track view and where I have noise from lip smacks or any other noise, I simply drag on the time line above the track after I have highlighted and selected that specific vocal track. The section of the track that was dragged on turns a darker color. Now I use Audio>Process>gain>mute to totally mute the noise. By zooming in, you can get very precise with this "trimming" method. If you goof up, you can UNDO and back up. Once you save and exit however, it does become a destructive, can't go back, edit.
Note: You can also use this same method to increase the volume of a specific word or part of a word..... say for example the singer sang a word correctly but for some reason, backed off the mic a bit and the first or last part of a word is almost inaudible. Simple zoom in and use the cursor to highlight just that one part of the word.... use the Process>gain>+3db ( or some other amount) to bump that part of the word up. You might have to play with it and bump it several times.... but you can easily rescue the word rather than having to punch to fix it. I use this little trick quite a bit.
Another way I work is that I always use envelopes and add my nodes manually and surgically. I'm going to use envelopes and since they are there, I can use them in place of the first method. Some edits are instant and others are slight fades in or out... but quick. See the picture below. By zooming, the nodes can easily be placed in a surgical manner, exactly where you want them.
BTW: if you are using either of these methods, you will not get POPS in the edits. These are silent edits.