I've been meaning to post here. The more I worked with the PC, the more it seemed like the CPU is actually dead. Thinking back, I've had the PC hard shut off randomly. But that's only happened a handful of times in three years. 3-4 times total at the most. The most recent was about two weeks before this ordeal started. The USB appears to be receiving power. For a brief period of time, I had my iLok plugged in and it actually lit up. I really wish I had a way to test this i7. No one around around me has this CPU socket and on top of that, all of the computer shops around me have shut down. Now it's just all residents running computer businesses out of their homes.
So I'm stuck TORN on what to do here:
1. Part of me wants to buy some replacement parts and see if the i7 works. But this comes with a risk of it not working and then I'm stuck with those ordered parts and out some cash.
2. The bigger part of me wants to bypass the potential extreme frustration of option 1 and just do this custom build I've been wanting to do for a while. This would happen at the end of the month when I've saved up enough money. I've sold off some software to help me get there. I'm possibly going to sell off my Slate Digital single licenses since I have the subscription now. (I actually called Slate Digital with this question today and they confirmed that I can do that because the subscription is a separate license from the single plugins)
I've gone stark raving mad without being able to get down the ideas that I've been having. Combine with the fact that I had just literally, hours earlier, drove to Guitar Center to purchase Spectrasonics Trilian the day this whole problem started.....yeah.....I'm more impatient than ever lol.