Think of it this way: When you export a Stereo Master of your entire mix, literally
everything you did in the project is exported as "Entire Mix", including all automation, AudioSnap data, plug-ins, everything. So, let's say that I click a "Global" freeze button (a big star button in the Control Bar). Under the hood Sonar mixes down the entire mix exactly like an Export and copies it into memory (or in a separate "hidden" or copied track), similar to how it does with individual frozen tracks. Now, when you play back the project, the only thing that is processed to the Master buss is the frozen (pseudo-export) stereo track. All other tracks are frozen (or archived/muted) and are no longer processed by the CPU. One button.
to do all this--or undo it immediately. No Ctrl+A, no undo's, no copying, or procedure to figure out.
I can track my vocals or overdubs, then un-freeze the project again with the single button, and go back to mixing down the whole session. Then I can set my I/O buffer levels higher, and continue to mix without drop-outs.
I do understand that there may be ways to accomplish this with Archiving, pre-mix, and bounce-to-clips, but when you're dealing with trying to make things simple, yet powerful, this would be a big win in my book, way beyond disabling PDC, FX, bounce-to-clips, etc.
I guess I'm looking for something more intuitive, because once you see how Freeze works, it's only a simple question of, "I wonder if I can freeze the entire mix?"
It's much easier to draw out on paper what I'm after for the buss-freezing than detail it here, but if you think of a headphone mixer for vocalists, where the bass or drums can be brought up for the vocalist (which, when frozen, do not alter the actual buss fader settings.)
btw, if you're at the Gibson office, I'm like literally 3 miles down the road from you (Trolley Barns on the river). I could drop by and draw this stuff out and see what you think. 
Thanks for being a great sounding board.