Cakewalk apparently are checking the volume issues. There are a lot of really really quiet samples.
There are also a number of libraries not working - check other threads.
Tonight I went through the Rapture Pro - "Pattern synth" library, which I picked at random. All sort of volume issues, and some of them didn't sound quite right. I checked the log sure enough there were errors...
01:33:23 (!) [ \users\shared\cakewalk\rapture pro\multisamples\013 - pulse mk.wav ] ERROR: unable to load 01:33:23 (!) [ \users\shared\cakewalk\rapture pro\multisamples\132 - cubic 3.wav ] ERROR: unable to load 01:36:31 (!) [ d:\cakewalk content\rapture pro\rapture pro\multisamples\rapture\rapture scapes\denied cluster.wav ] ERROR: unable to load. At this stage I'm going to cry (and I apologise).... This is not a great experience at all... I really had my hopes up for this synth. Cakewalk worked hard on it I'm sure but looking at this and all the other issues and essential features missing - it's like it is back to the old Roland days... The only upside is that they appear to be slowly getting better with Platinum - latest update is more or less great- but you just can't release modern soft synths in this state, the competition is far too intense out there. It looks like the Platinum lesson needs to be learned all over again for soft synth apps.
The other upside is that it's looking like we will get fixes - but this sort of stuff should have been tested before it went out the door - and surely people could have given similar criticisms before it came out... Wow I just found you can't even perform a search across libraries, each library is basically it's own separate island, there is no global function.
Sorry to be harsh. but I'm bordering on asking for a refund... Faith in what will happen later is what will swing it perhaps... The support feedback has been good from Cakewalk, the user experience is to be quite frank not great at all.
If you are into creating sounds from scratch e.g. from initialize program this could be a great synth right now for somebody.