At 96 the same patches crash so badly they force the user to close and re-open Sonar.
A few of the patches that cause this issue for me include...
Dark Angelic 2
Dramatic Resonance
Lush Guitars F5
Multipulse & Brass
I have called Support. They recommended I re-install Rapture Pro, which I did. After re-installing the first time, the problematic patches just stopped making noise all together.
I then uninstalled and re-installed and the patches were back and not functional.
Again, at 44.1 the Synth seems to recover if you wait long enough. At higher sample rates, the synth never recovers and the project has to be closed and re-opened.
Same situation here. Same patches cause audio to spike at 99.99 dB and I'm afraid it will blow something ... forced me to rip my headphones off my head cause I couldn't hit mute fast enough ... never had that happen with any synth I ever bought
Tried reinstalling but no change ...
Seems to work at 44.1 kHz (although I did not try a lot since we work @ 96 kHz) ...