Apple probably is doing it as well, but I haven't heard anything like that. Maybe someone who uses a Mac could comment? My comment was twofold. I also am getting tired of the huge changes every time a new Windows OS comes along. At least Apple seems to keep a certain consistency to what they do.
I know it won't change anything, but I wish we could at least opt and not be forced to help companies mine our data. I don't care who does or doesn't do it. If they do it ..I don't like it, but that's me....
Then stay away from Mac. Their latest OS upgrade, vendors were warning not to install because 3rd party software would not work. Sometimes it's up to Apple to decide whether your hardware becomes a doorstop.
I have a desktop and a craptop that can't be upgraded where W10 runs fine.
People habitually runs down MS every time they do something new but in many ways it's their own fault. Apple has created sheeple where people rejoice everything that is new. When MS creates something they find a way to piss people off.
I guess I'll stay away from Apple too...Jobs probably wouldn't be happy with it now. I'm just an old curmudgeon who needs something to be unhappy about :)OK already... I'll drink the effing koolade. Why is everything always the lesser of two evils lately? Can't buy a computer OS without a contract that hundreds of lawyers worked on to make sure they have us all by the short hairs and is loaded with spyware that you need to turn off. I can at least get excited about how Platinum runs on the new OS and the new faster hardware, I hope :) I wish I could be one of those Winxp dudes who is happy with an outdated OS and slower hardware. I just don't want to have a failure so I'm preparing to hopefully not have one, but I still could have one.* does a facepalm*
As one intelligent person once said in a really in depth observation, " It is what it is".
Just another thought. I keep hearing that the 10 version of Windows is miles ahead of the older versions in how it deals with audio. Is this true if you still use the older drivers or must we use a newer dedicated windows audio driver? How is it really better with audio? As a sidenote, some of these new motherboards have a lot of audio crap I don't really need or want.