A massive subject, potentially, I know, but I need to improve, or reinforce my understanding of frequency equalisation.
Let's not go into too much detail right now. First of all, I am trying to get to grips with the tools that I am using:-
FabFilter Pro-Q, which I am using for "EQ" duties, and because it has a spectrum analyser, I am using it for that too.
SPAN, which is a spectrum analyser "only."
I'm getting different graphs on the above, and I need to understand why.
Pro-Q allows you to set the resolution (low, medium, high and max) and speed (very slow, slow, medium and fast).
SPAN's options are simply too numerous to list. It does have some presets and I have tried each of those.
I suppose, initially, I could do with some pointers on which are the best settings to use when trying to analyse a wave file.
By way of an explanation of why I am asking this is, I am currently saving some commercial tracks to wave files so that I can bring them into Sonar and look at their frequency spectrum, as well as listening to the finished mix and master, in an effort to improve my own skills, which are somewhat lacking.
cheers, and many thanks for even getting this far... I look forward to your thoughts
I should also explain that I am not totally new to this and I've spent a ton of time over the years reading and trying to learn about this subject and I am mainly trying to improve my current skill and understanding level with a view to improving my own mix and final master attempts