I am curious as to what is actually incompatible with what, the firewire card and motherboard or the firewire card and the interface that is connected. I have a situation with two identical pc's with identical firewire cards but different interfaces.
The interfaces are a Focusrite Saffire pro 40 and a Saffire pro 24 and Mixcontrol 3.4. Mixcontrol 3.7 was tested also and made no difference. The firewire cards are Vantec cards with a VIA chipset. In my old PC (HP) I used a SIIG card with a TI chipset and it works perfectly with my Pro 24 but does not work with my interface in my new PC so I picked up the Vantec in hopes it will work and it works perfectly in the new PC.
However the pro 40 does not work with the Vantec card in either PC. I did not test it with the SIIG yet though. I was wondering if anyone knows for sure if it's the interface that needs to play well with the card and not necessarily the card and the motherboard?
Sonar Platinum is not a factor here as it does not have to be launched for Mixcontrol to fail. For a sort explination of what is wrong. Mixcontrol does not communicate with the interface. I will get more detailed if need be.
PC specs: ASUS H170M Plus System board Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @3.20GHz 16GB Ram Windows 7 Pro