I brought Presonus Studio one 3.5, Samplitude Pro X3 and Tracktion Waveform 8 when Sonar exited the scene.
I didn't register Studio One until 4 came out and I got Studio One version 4 upgrade for free. I'm glad I did get the extra ones. I like Tracktion for what they are doing and it is a great scratchpad DAW. Samplitude reminds me of Sonar 8.5 layout in a way and I really like that Samplitude so far has not forgot about folks with bad eyesight. (that would be me) I'm really glad I got it last year at the sale price. Studio One I believe I will use it like Craig does for Mastering. I'm still trying to figure the DAW out. I almost got Mixcraft Pro 8 too. It is a very capable DAW but sanity won out :)
I also tried MOTU Digital Performer and I really did like it but with my eyesight I couldn't see myself long term with it. It was really hard for me to read the small typeface :(
Anyway I'm glad I got the extra DAW's. Playing around with them I learned that they all have pluses and minuses to them. I'm actually looking forward to see what Samplitude Pro X4 brings to the table. But I'm so glad Cakewalk is still alive. Now Noel and company get a hold of Don from Overture and cut a deal to upgrade the staff view pretty please.