I love the Quad Curve EQ, but it's terribly annoying only being able to use one instance in the ProChannel. Allowing for multiple instances in the ProChannel would be great, whereby one could cut problematic frequencies before hitting a compressor, then add another EQ after the compressor to sweeten/boost frequencies. This is a very common technique and I find it strange that such a comprehensive DAW like Sonar does not allow for this, unless of course a third party plugin is used instead.
Even better than multiple instances within the ProChannel would be a VST version of the Quad Curve EQ. While the ProChannel is great, it can get a bit cumbersome and cluttered with large projects so I like to use it for console emulation on the tracks and maybe more detailed work on buses, but for track-by-track effects I prefer to use the FX bins a la Pro Tools. The Inspector window helps if one wants to keep the ProChannel collapsed, but again that's still valuable real estate that could be used for the console view. Having the Quad Curve EQ as a VST plugin would not only allow for multiple instances in a single track/bus, but it would also allow for multiple open/movable plugin windows. If a person mixed entirely with the ProChannel, great. If the ProChannel is used as a background process and the FX bins are used primarily, great. A standalone VST of the Quad Curve EQ would solve both problems.
Cakewalk - please create a VST version of the Quad Curve EQ, or at the very least allow for multiple instances within the ProChannel!