Please correct me if I am wrong, but...wasn't there a time when Dim Pro and Rapture Full had to be purchased as upgrades and not included in any Sonar versions?
Those of us who bit and ponied up the money found that later these were both incorporated in later Sonar versions.
How about a special discount for those of us who paid for these upgrades in the past? $49 instead of $79?
Sounds like you were paying for access to the plugin before it was offered in Sonar as a package. A lot of companies do things like this and you're essentially paying for the ability to use and make money with the plugin before it goes to the masses as a free addition. Eventually I'm sure Rapture Pro will also be added to the package with Sonar though I'm sure that will be quite a few years. Right now you'd be paying for the ability to have it and use it in projects before those who get it for free.
This is a new plugin that has been built from the ground up and they are already discounting it for previous owners. I'm a bit baffled as to why you think that discount isn't good enough when the price will likely be around $170 - $200 for new users once the promo period is over.
I've never seen anyone required to pay to be a beta tester, and I don't believe CW, under previous companies or Gibson would charge and snicker at you buying something they planned on giving away, test or not, without stating that fact.
Much of the time it is worse for the bottom line being dishonest to the public, rather than to simply leave it alone to trickle, or maybe even updating would be.
Business is always bigger than any single product.... even if you only have one!
I'm in marketing among other things, and in business what is most likely is that new products peak, and then sales fall off.
You balance, in order to maximize cash flow, do we update it now, or work on new products.
If it's the latter, put that older product to better use some other way... it's stale now, lets squeeze it as much as possible.. re-heat that taco.
If you juice it with some nice moist bulk samples that appeal to a wide audience, you can squeeze a little more.
When that peaks, you can bundle it with a new flagship product, or even an older one to pump sales on that also, or package it with a new side-piece.
Consumers always feel more is better, and companies are there for business, so it works well even if it's only a 5 or 10% increase in that line.
Cakewalk is doing nothing wrong or slight, it's simply marketing 101.
With all due respect, THAT is what companies actually do more than purposeful deceit.
Forgive the long post but I'll add some interesting facts people don't realize.
It's all about psychology!
If asked "how much are your popsicles", and you answer, "they are 25 cents each or 3 for a dollar", more than half will want the 3 for a buck..... because it sounds like a deal.
In your local grocery store, that shrimp is in a fridge, it don't need ice .... the ice is there to make it look clean and pristine.
Store brands are on the right of signature brands most of the time, because more people are right handed and actually might grab theirs on accident. (Same if you have an excess of cream-corn you want to dump.... move it to the right of the whole-kernel stuff for awhile.)
Us in the rock generation are the ones holding the fattest wallets these days... they used to play elevator-jams, now I'm not surprised to hear AC/DC Highway To Hell in a store, because even that is planned to make you happier.
If you are enjoying yourself, you'll stay longer, and spend more. lol