Presale Q's:
- As already asked, does RP installation provide complete flexibility for application and content locations?
- The product page has Win8.1 with an asterisk and a footnote that says to install via CCC. Is installation outside of CCC supported for Win8.1?
- Does the content provided with RP include the factory DP and Rapture Classic libraries?
Presale Q's:
- As already asked, does RP installation provide complete flexibility for application and content locations?
[AR] We'll have more info on installation instructions closer to release.
- The product page has Win8.1 with an asterisk and a footnote that says to install via CCC. Is installation outside of CCC supported for Win8.1?
[AR] The asterisk for Win 8.1 actually goes to this
* Windows XP is blocked, Vista not officially supported
It's not in reference to CCC or Win 8.1. Just clarifying Windows support. Installation outside of CCC is supported in Windows 8.1.
- Does the content provided with RP include the factory DP and Rapture Classic libraries?
[AR] Yes, and all existing expansion packs you purchased for Rapture Classic or DPRO will also work.