Since Rapture Pro can play both Dimension Pro and Rapture programs will there be a tool, process or extra dlls which can be used to load Rapture Pro in place of the legacy synths in existing projects?
I doubt it but I would LOVE that as a "S-Plat" feature for anything. Or, er, EVERYTHING. It would be great to drag some older projects into the 21st century by updating their synths where possible.
I note Cake continues their excellent backwards compatibility by having it load older Rapture/DimPro presets, which is pretty rad. I'm curious to see what NEW things it can do. Successfully frankensteining Rapture and DimPro together is fine and all, but that doesn't do much by itself without some new bits and bobs to mangle with.
The heavy accent on dubstep sounds in the video is a little....well heck I guess it's the flavor of the month eh? I find them to be a bit much. But clicking through some of the preset samples I'm all like "I want that!"