Since the new way of doing things with the membership program, there seems to be a number of people, from what I have read, who are expecting things, everything for nothing, I mean yeah, if cakewalk said Rapture Pro was going to be a freebie, sure, thank you very much, but Come on, to expect it ?
I think we are getting more than enough stuff virtually for free already, and am thankful for that. As I have said before, if all I was getting was regular updates/bug fixes, and no added extras, I would be quite happy, and still think that what I got for the money I paid was a bargain.
The more you give some people the more they want, I don't get it. I'm quite happy to pay the $79 ($105 AUD) for Rapture Pro I think that seems like a steal, I'd still buy it at twice the price, like I've paid for other synths.
Id rather be thankful for the things we get, thankful for the fact that we get it for $79/$99, (Cake don't even HAVE to do that) instead of ****ing and moaning that everything should be free, I wonder if those who think it should all be free, would be so willing to give away the fruits of their work for nothing ?
Thank you Cakewalk, love your work