Dan Gonzalez [Cakewalk]
We're aware of this. Seems to be mostly superficial if it's installing everything correctly. Regardless - we're aware. Thanks!
Dan could this be why I can't install the Brian Hardgroove Collection?
It is actually marked green now but install terminated with "Cannot locate the required version of the program on this system. Please install the correct version of the program to use this pack".
RapPro install, despite being long/large, worked fine with Install All from CCC.
(well other than some packs not finding the MultiSamples from Dim/Rap non-core/third party packs. I'm working my way through creating symlinks with some success).
(I am still and wish to retain Steam X3. I have CW/CCC Platinum ... but yet to install. RapPro was my first CCC install (and perhaps expecting to work through some issue due to Steam origins).