Thanks for the suggestions. I tried ‘ffmpeg’ on the video selection .mpg file created from VLC. It processed but the result wasn’t playable. I need to learn the command line options and try some more.
I did download Corel Videostudio, but it would not read the VOB files from the disk. I don’t know why, as they claim it can process DVDs. Other than that, for the price I was considering it.
I am away for a few days and will get back to this on return. This type of exercise really opens my eyes up to how in many ways these powerful computers still have limitations. Well, at least the software applications do. Too many formats, etc. On the surface what I am trying to do seems simple...capture a portion of a personal DVD formatted video (copy protection is not an issue), and then be able to publish it on one of the social internet sites (e.g. Facebook). But when you try this a whole world of complications are exposed. It does seems the ‘freeware’ industry is getting smaller and harder to find. In fact, when you do a Google search you get back all these free software hits, but when you actually download the product you find it is a commercisl app and might restrict the conversion to a few minutes in length. They never tell you the restriction until after you download and install. Blah. (Rant off.)
Thanks again.