Dean Capper [Cakewalk]
was updated, but just to make sure people are aware here, a fix for this problem has been released in the . Please download it from the Products list of your Cakewalk account.
Unfortunately this took longer than expected to finish, I apologize for the delay.
I still have this problem or something similiar on OS X 10.9 Mavericks with a clean install of 2.1.2 (As far as I can tell I cleaned out).
I added my product key manually to the Z3TA+ 2 plist, which included converting from binary to XML and back. Z3TA+ 2 is running without issues, but I'm worried that I'm on demo time without knowing it. Putting the system clock forward a couple of years didn't change anything, but I don't know if that means anything.
Besides this issue I'm very happy with Z3TA+ 2.