This isn't a complaint so much as a query. I have multiple tracks in a project from a live stage recording of a band. I have all the vocals ouput to one bus and all the instruments to another bus. The drum tracks are assigned to two buses so that they can be processed and mixed separately. One drum bus has a compressor, the other has no processing. For the vocals and instruments, I have simply set the output to the buses. The drums were a bit more tricky. If I assigned the output to the clean bus for example and assigned a send to the compressor bus, I get a propagation delay. Inserting a similar compressor that does nothing but compensate for the propagation delay, I still get a delay. CPU is an Intel Core i7 @ 3.60GHz with 16GB of RAM. Audio interface is an RME Fireface 802. I believe the system to be quite capable so the delay is simply a processing thing. The compressor is a Brainworx Vertigo VSC-2 plugin and may be CPU-intensive.
So, I assigned two sends from each of the drum tracks and set the drum track ouputs to "none" since the drum send buses are output to "master". This works fine, no perceptible delay between the two buses. However, when reloading the project, I get the message "The following tracks and buses are currently assigned to a silent hardware output."
While that is no big deal, I was wondering how hard it is for Sonar to detect that those tracks are actually sent to buses that DO have hardware outputs and therefore not show the message. Trivial I know, but still, how hard could that be? Or at least make it an optional warning?