Scrambled Eggs...
With me, it's often music first followed closely and together with the lyrics.
I get a chord progression and a groove..... then a lyric that might be as sparse as a single line or a title, and it grows from there. Sometimes I will start with that title or line and build from there, but for all intents and purposes, it's pretty much together at the same time.
I agree with the variety of sentiments in this thread. For years, since my early writing, I naturally went with Guitarhacker's route above. The music and lyrics kind of bubbled together from some sort of starting point. In some cases I would end up with a complete thought, in more I would abandon something half started and move on.
Then I heard that reference to scrambled eggs a good number of years ago and found it super liberating. I was free. I no longer had to write lyrics while coming up with the music. And, I thought, just like Paul McCartney I'll come right back and fill in the words like a coloring book after I've got the music figured out.
With that freedom, and with the wonders of Sonar, I quickly assembled about 100+ fantastic songs, complete with melody lines as placeholder for the singing, drums and all sorts of pretty well recorded music parts. Not nearly enough of them with lyrics. It just is so easy and fun to throw together the music, and to procrastinate on the lyrics.
So I'm trying something that's new for me. I'm rewarding myself with the music creativity part now (trying this out), only after I've paid my dues and have come up with lyrics for the piece. So whether I want to dive back into one of my 100+ songs to take it to a new level, or start some new song altogether, whenever I want to touch the system and work on a song I'm creating a gate that says, "Ye shall not pass into the song unless ye have some lyrics for it".
That's my new mode, recognizing the process that folks have written above works for them. I've tried I think most approaches, but this is the one that I'm on now, with the aim to be more disciplined. Like going on a diet. Or committing to exercise to get to a certain weight.