Thanx so much for your help man. I almost got it now. A few more questions, because I didnt catch the first time about:
sheetrock--liner--sheetrock--2X4 frame--sheetrock--liner--sheetrock
1. between the sheetrock walls with liner between you have 2X4's. I dont understand how you attatched the outside wall and the inside and the 2X4's. You said somethign about not attatching the 2X4's to the outside wall, only the inside. and then the two walls attatch. How is that done? I dotn get it.
2. Are you saying I should put insulation where the 2X4's are? like Roxul? Am I suppose to completely fill the gap between the stud frame and the two walls? Also, should the studs be placed with the 2" side against the wall or the 4" side against the wall?
Thanx again, Lance
P.S.- I can get creative and come up with something, Im good liek that, but you have a orking unit, and I definitely appreciate the help....