Orbitals 'Chime' in 1989 was recorded to tape. Dance music as it is called by many fans who were listening before youngsters decided to rename in EDM in the early 2000's. No one called it EDM in the 90's at least not in the UK, where so many Genres originated from.
I believe also Detroit's Canadian 'Plastic Man' used tape too in the early days, I seem to recall something about his father repairing it, amongst other electrical activities to help his son.s.
Dance music started out Analogue with a stack of roland gear as well as others. But alongside Emu, Akais and other digital samplers.
The re-branding to EDM in the early 2000's drove many into 'Dance music' mad, with battle on wikipedia to change references to bands such The Orb, Orbital, Underworld, Prodigy, back and forth from Dance Music and EDM, but all these bands existed over a decade before the term EDM did