I'm calibrating my monitors according to Bob Katz's K-20 system. I don't see myself as an audio pro, neither am I aiming to become one, but I figure I might as well do the right things. I know how important it is in the photo/graphic industry to have calibrated monitors, in order to cooperate on a project with others and be sure we are all on the same page.
In order to reach 83 dB SPL at 0 dBFS, I sent a test pink noise signal -20 dBFS (
downloaded from digido.com) on the right speaker, adjusting volume until getting 83 - 3 = 80 dB, then I did the same for the left speaker.
In total getting 83 dB when both speakers are active.
This is the correct way right ?
Not having a SPL meter I'm using a condenser mic on a second audio interface. Or do I absolutely need to purchase one?
Listening on such calibrated monitors to non compressed
3 Cities from Bombay Dub Orchestra, one of the album Katz
recommended for testing headphones on innerfidelity.com, I came to the conclusion that it was quite louder than what I am used to, and that there is no way I'll be able to listen to music for a few hours per day in my flat without neighbours complaining. Quite the same with the test tracks of HDTracks, which have bigger dynamics.
So I calibrated my closed headphones (AT M50) in almost the same way, i.e I put the condenser mic in the center of the headphone and adjusted the volume of the pink noise -20 dDBFS signal until I measured 83 dB (on a second audio interface. This is where I discovered, btw, that Sonar could drive only one audio interface at a time. No idea if other DAWs have the same limitation).
Unsurprisingly, so calibrated is also quite louder than what I'm used to hear. I called myself on my smartphone and couldn't hear the call. As a really super basic check test, do you find it normal not to hear a smartphone ringing with a K-20 calibrated closed headphone ?
Last, I hadn't much time so far to play with Sonar Platinum, but it seems there isn't much in the way of meter customization, for example presets for K-12, K14, K-20, or to define boundary values for red, yellow and green.
Are you using meter plugings or are you using the standard Sonar ones ?